8 Herbal Remedies for boils!! - Health Tips and Home Remedies

Friday, 8 August 2014

8 Herbal Remedies for boils!!

A boil (furuncle) is a tiny, hard, and painful red lump on your skin which gradually becomes softer, larger, and even more painful with the development of pus its. Skin infection of the hair follicles, commonly caused by bacterium Staphylococcus aureus leads to boils mostly on your face, neck, armpits, shoulders, and buttocks. A boil that appears on your eyelid is called a sty. And a a carbuncle is a group of boilsthat appear together on your skin. Poor nutrition and hygiene as well as exposure to chemicals are some of the causes of boils. If you have a compromised immune system or such disease as diabetes then also you may frequently suffer from boils. Most of the times,these boils are almost harmless (apart from being unsightly and painful) that go away in a couple of weeks. Unless you don’t run fever or the pain becomes severe or the boil doesn’t drain, you need not worry about paying a visit to your doctor. These home remedies for boils will help you get rid of them.Herbal Remedies for Boils
1. Warm Compress for BoilsWhen you place a warm compress over your boil, you speed up the process of softening and bursting of the boil. When you add some salt to your warm water compresses, this will bring theboil to a head faster. It also decreases the pain and helps draw the pus to the surface. Soaking in warm water also helps. As soon as the boil comes to a head, it bursts with repeated soakings. When you take these measures, you can get rid of boil within ten days of its appearance.Get this:*.Warm water- 3-4 liters (about 15-16 cups)*.Salt (optional)- 1 tsp*.Wash cloth*.Mild soap and some warm water to washDo this:*.Wash your boil and surrounding area with mild soap and warm water.*.Add salt (if using) to the warm water.*.Place the wash cloth in this salty warm water.*.After soaking it properly, take the washcloth out of the water and wring out to drain excessive water.*.Your warm compress is ready. Place this compress on your boil.*.Leave it there for 10-15 minutes.*.After removing the wash cloth, put it in the laundry and don’t use it again after washing it properly.*.Repeat warm compress regime 3-4 times aday.

2. Tea Tree Oil for BoilsTea tree oil, derived from the tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), a native to Australia hasgot excellent antifungal, antibiotic and antimicrobial properties. It has been traditionally used for many skin diseases such as psoriasis and ringworm. This oil is equally beneficial for boils.Do this:*.Wash your boil and the skin around it with warm water.*.Take few drops of tea tree oil and rub this onto your boil and the surrounding area.*.You may use undiluted tea tree oil with full strength on your boils.*.If you find it irritating, you may also dilute it with some water.*.Use an elastic bandage to cover the boil.*.Wash your hands properly after applying the oil.*.Repeat 2-3 times a day.

3. Neem (Margosa) for BoilsNeem (Azadirachta indica) is known by many names, the popular ones being Margosa and Indian Lilac. Neem has been used since ancient times by Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathic medicine for its variety of medicinal properties.While all the parts of neem tree are medicinallybeneficial, its leaves possess anti-inflammatory,antihyperglycaemic, antiulcer, antimalarial, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, antimutagenic, anticarcinogenic and immunomodulatory properties. Traditionally, margosa has been used for curing inflammation, infections, fever, dental and skin diseases. It is also beneficial for boils and is oneof the best natural remedies to treat them.Get this:*.Neem leaves- handful*.WaterDo this:*.Using a little water, grind the neem leaves to make a paste.*.Apply this neem paste on your boil.*.You may also like to boil 1-2 glasses of water with neem leaves in it.*.Boil this till the water remains half of its original quantity.*.Let it cool down till it becomes warm.*.Rinse the boils affected area with this water.*.Repeat 3-4 times a day.

4. Onion for BoilsOnions has twenty five active compounds withinit. Among these, the potassium salts and the flavonoids have anti-inflammatory properties. The essential oil within onion has expectorant, antiseptic, antifungal, anticoagulant, and analgesic properties among others. Therefore, onions, especially red onions, help in eliminating toxins out of your body and relieve skin inflammation along with disinfecting wounds. Onion is also good remedy for boils. It helps in blood circulation and when applied on boils, brings blood flow towards boils and help draw pus out of it.Ways to Use Onions on Boils1.Cut slices of onion and place them on boils. Use bandage or cloth to hold them inplace. Change this onion poultice every 3-4hours to bring the boil to head faster.2.Boil some onions in water till it reduces to half of its quantity. Strain the water,cool it till warm and use it to rinse your boil affected area.

5. Garlic for BoilsGarlic belongs to the Allium family, same as that of onion. It has rich deposits of sulfur-containing compounds like allicin, alliin and ajoene. Garlic has excellent anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. Thus, it is one of the best remedies for boils.Ways to Use Garlic for Boils1.Take 2-3 fresh garlic cloves. Using some water, crush them to get a paste. Apply this to boil.2.Heat a clove of garlic and place it on your boil. Use a cloth to wrap the area. Take care that garlic is not too hot. Leave it there for 10-15 minutes. Repeat 3-4 timesa day.3.Include garlic in your daily diet. Crush garlic cloves and add them to your salads, soups and gravies.

6. Onion-Garlic Juice for BoilsYou now know the benefits of both, onion and garlic, in alleviating boils. So, why not use them together for faster healing. This is also an Ayurvedic remedy for boils where you use onion and garlic juice to cure boil.Get this:*.Onion (chopped)- 1*.Garlic cloves (chopped)- 2-3*.Sieve or cheeseclothDo this:*.Crush the onion and garlic pieces.*.Place them on sieve or in the cheesecloth.*.Press to extract their juice.*.Apply this juice to your boils.*.Repeat 4-5 times a day.

7. Potatoes for BoilsPotatoes are rich in vitamin C, B-complex vitamins and they have considerable amounts of iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus and therefore folk medicine uses this very common vegetable to treat many health conditions, especially skin related conditions. Potatoes also have tannins, flavonoids, and alkaloids that make them beneficial for skin and overall health. The alkaline properties of potato carries antiseptic value and thus it is also a good remedy for boils. It also has some anti-inflammatory properties that relieve you of pain associated with boils.Ways to Use Potato for Boils1.Cut thin slices of potato and place them onyour boils. Keep replacing these slices withfresh ones.2.Grate a raw potato and squeeze out its juice. Using a cotton ball, dab this juice on your boil. Repeat 4-5 times a day.3.Cut thick slice of potato. Place it on your boil before going to bed. Use a cloth or bandage to hold it in place. Leave it on your boil overnight. Discard in the morning.

8. Epsom Salt for BoilsEpsom salt is the common name of Magnesium Sulfate. Epsom salt bath and compresses can treat boils fast. The heat of the warm compress helps bring your boil to a head so that it opens up and allow the pus drain out. Epsom salt, on the other hand, draws all toxins out of it and thus reduces swelling and relieves pain in your infected area.1st Way of Using Epsom Salt for Boils: Epsom Salt BathIf your boil appears on a body part that can be immersed in the water, you can try giving it an Epsom salt bath.Get this:*.Epsom salt- 2 cups*.Warm water*.BasinDo this:*.Fill the basin halfway with warm water.*.Add Epsom salt to this.*.Soak your boil affected area in this water.*.Do this daily till you get rid of boils.2nd Way of Using Epsom Salt for Boils: Epsom Salt CompressGet this:*.Epsom salt- 1 tsp*.Warm water- 1-2 cups*.Wash cloth or cotton ballDo this:*.Add Epsom salt to the warm water.*.Soak wash cloth or cotton ball in this.*.Take out the cloth or cotton and place it onyour boil after wringing to drain out excesswater.*.Leave it there for 10-15 minutes.*.Repeat 3-4 times a day.

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