5 Ways to Rise up Your Energy - Health Tips and Home Remedies

Friday, 8 August 2014

5 Ways to Rise up Your Energy

Whenever I worked the early morning shift back in
my LAPD days, it sure seemed that my energy
levels were down. Back then, me and my partner
would stop (with other officers) at the local donut
shop after role call. And yes, cops did eat donuts.
So it’s not a fairy tale. Little did we realize that
those freaking donuts only made things worse as
far as our energy levels.
Years later studies would come out that shift
workers had decreased energy levels as well as
their health being affected.  While being a police
officer was not good for one’s health, neither was
other aspects of the job. In today’s world, the
average law enforcement officer is 40% obese.
That is another factor in decreased energy levels.
Lack of sleep being another.
A lack of energy can lead one to stop moving their
body physically. That starts a “slipper slope” of
further reducing energy levels.  Being tired and
especially on the job increases cravings of sugary
foods.  All of which makes things even worse.
So what the heck can we do to bring our energy
levels back up? Well, it’s got to be done the right
way. Here are 5 ways to help you do just that:
1. Get into physical movement. Being fit
naturally helps to increase energy levels. It
also is great at helping to create better sleep
as well. Exercise and especially high intensity
interval training (HIIT), helps to boost
2. Get plenty of sleep , just not too
much. Stick to the 7-9 hour range.
Oversleeping decreases energy and slows
metabolism. To little sleep does the same
thing. It is all about balance.  You can also
take a power nap during the day.
3. Eat healthy. This includes eating foods that
increase energy properly and decreasing foods
that lower energy.  While sugary foods may
give a temporary boost, it will also have a
rapid drop. If you’ve ever experienced “night
terrors” during your sleep, this is normally due
to rapid blood sugar drop.  It’s the same thing
after eating a pasta lunch. You start to feel
tired a couple of hours later. Eat nuts. They
have magnesium which helps to boost energy.
Eat omega-3 fatty acids foods. This helps to
boost mood and improve brain function.
4. Drink plenty of water. Feeling tired can be a
sign of mild dehydration.  I’ve experienced this
several times and even had headaches until I
hydrated. In fact, drinking water after you
wake up in the morning is a great way to ramp
up your energy.
5. Get your thyroid checked. This is
particularly troublesome in women during
perimenopause. Also, anemia can contribute
to low energy levels.
Bonus: Reduce your stress levels.  You can do that
by engaging in meditation or simply taking a walk.

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