Chocolate - Health Tips and Home Remedies

Saturday, 16 November 2013


Chocolate. It's something we all love and we can't help it. You may have a misconception that chocolate is bad for you, and yes too much is bad, however chocolate is full of iron. Iron is great for our blood and also makes our eyes healthier because of it. Next time you look on a mirror, pull gently on the skin below your eye. If the pink fleshy part inside the skin directly under the eye is pink and not bright red, then you have an iron deficiency (if it's brown then the doctors is the place for you). This little trick Is a good way of checking how healthy your iron intake is. By eating chocolate your giving your body the iron it needs to make your blood healthy. Don't think that eating lots of chocolate everyday is good though, because obviously it's not! Find other ways of getting a healthy amount of iron in you, eat tomatoes or another food that has iron in. Iron is needed by our bodies to function properly. When our body's are working as they should, your skin cells will renew better and your hair will get a good amount of nutrition! Hair is made up of little fragments of iron, it needs it to be strong and shiny!

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